Sunday, December 11, 2011


So it's been way over a year since I've updated this blog, but I thought I'd take another shot at actually keeping this thing up to date!! We'll see how it goes... ;)

So obviously a ton has happened since the last post, but I'll try to keep it short and sweet on the main things:
1. We live in a house! We've been renting it since this past May and absolutely love having more space! It's definitely old (built in the 1950's) but it's been fun making it our own and making it cozy (kudos to Pinterest for house decor inspiration!). Come visit us! We have room for people to stay over, so feel free any time.

2. I now work at the Ironman Sports Medicine Institute and have been for a year now! (wow, i really have been bad at updating this!) and think that I probably have the best team of people working with me. Come visit me at the front desk! :) The Lord provided connections at just the right time for me to get the job, and He's teaching me how to STILL be thankful for a job when I want to hit the alarm in the mornings and just stay in bed and sleep.

3. We celebrated our first year anniversary in June at a bed & breakfast in Galveston! It was pretty awesome being away from Houston, but not feeling like we had to go see all the tourists spots since we had already been there. God has definitely blessed me, I've got one great husband!

4. We went to Espana in August with our immediate Barber family, we had a blast!! We got to see Jared's childhood foreign exchange student from Germany marry a Spanish girl that he met a few years ago. I could definitely live in Spain; the culture is so laid back and everywhere is historical and beautiful.

5. Jared and I got to go to a conference put on by John Piper in September called Desiring God in Minneapolis, MN. This year, they spoke mainly about missions and it was so encouraging. Jared and I's desire and urgency to go tell the gospel to the unreached people of the world grew so much. We don't know exactly when or where or how yet, but we can't wait for the day that we get to spread Jesus name to those who haven't heard of him yet.

6. We are going to Nicaragua in January with Living Water International! We're going with a team of 12 people; 8 people dig a water well (Jared will be doing that), and 4 people teach about health and hygiene (I'll be doing that). We are SO excited, and prayers would be much appreciated :)

Alright, I think I've hit all the main points at least! Hopefully it'll be less than a year and a half before I can get another post up this time ;)

2 weeks 'til Christmas! Wow, that sure came fast. We're going to see my family this year, so we'll be in Dallas for a few days, hang out with us if you can!

Til next post!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wonderful Weekend!

One of my favorite things about living in Houston is that Galveston beach is just a short drive away! Jared and I took a short day trip over there on Saturday, and it was awesome! We stopped and ate at Buffalo Wild Wings with Chad and Dennis close to Friendswood, then continued on our way to get some sun!

Perks/highlights of the trip:
1. Got a sweet, free parking spot on the beach (since Houston is so crowded and the traffic is so bad, I've become a lot more appreciative of things like this haha)
2. Got to relax and read on the beach with my sweet husband :)
3. We got to walk down The Strand in downtown, they had really fun shops/art galleries/ice cream parlors...definitley a spot I want to take friends/family when they visit! *hint hint* ;)
4. Got to try an awesome place called The Spot for dinner and watch the Cowboys vs. Texans game...although I'm a little bitter about the outcome. haha I still have hope for the real season game!
5. We got some old records to play on our record player at an old bookstore...Mary Poppins, We Are the World-Africa relief, and some spanish music since we're going to Spain in a year!

Downer of the trip:
I got stung by a jellyfish for the first time ever! I asked Jared literally not a minute before "are there jellyfish in here?" when I got stung. I now really hate jellyfish, but it stopped stinging after awhile so we were good :)

Sunday was relaxing and so was Monday...Jared stayed home from work so it was nice to have him around the house for an extra day! He wasn't feeling the best, but he's on the road to recovery :)

Last night we got to eat dinner with Jared's Grandma, she is so sweet and SUCH a great cook! After some Skip-Bo playing we left, it was fun! (if you don't know what that is, don't worry, I didn't know either haha)

Anyway, all this to say that the Lord has been so good to us and we've got to enjoy His creation and the people He's placed in our lives so much! we miss you all in dallas/college station/wherever!
Hope you guys enjoy your week!
Steph :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

where to start...

So, I thought I was going to be better at this whole blogging thing...but a lot of times when I remember that I should update, I also wonder where in the world I could start about what I'm learning through being a new wife, being in a new city, going to a new church, and job searching...because its soo much!! I can never decide really what to write about from the former list, so usually just decide to try another time haha. so all that to say, that i'll try to be better :)

For starters, we've found a church :) i'm super excited about it and am so thankful already for the community and how much i've been challenged there, it's great! Earlier today I went to hang out by the pool with some of the women in our community group and their kids, who are ADORABLE, and had such a great time! I love being surrounded by all new people and learning about their life!

Still job searching...and even though it can be frustrating, it's showed me just how to trust and depend more and more on the Lord and to not worry, He will be faithful! One day I know something will fall into my lap and work out! we've been talking a lot about work/vocation at church lately and it couldn't have come up at a better time because it's really helped to look at the Truth and then see that what I'm doing at home is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing and everything that I do at home can glorify the Lord! serving Jared as a house wife right now is so fun too, I love being his wife..I've got such a great husband! :)

anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend! for everyone in dallas or college station...come hang out with us!!! ;)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

new life in Houston :)

So here it is! Our new blog :)

I wanted to have one for two reasons:
1. Dallas is 4 driving hours away! Having so many people we love there, I thought it'd be easy to follow this and find out what's happening down here in Houston :)
2. Every blog that I've read so far has been so helpful or encouraging! It's my hope that ours can be that in some way for anyone reading too :)

#1 priority to post....CHAD AND LAUREN ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!! Jared and I went down to Friendswood last night and were blessed to be able to help was so perfect! She had no clue :) I'll let you hear from Lauren just how it all happened, but whenever she got to the point where Jared and I helped out, I'll never forget her face and just how stinkin happy she was :) I'll get to gain a THIRD sister, when I started out with none! so so excited for Chad and Lauren :)

Life in Houston has been wonderful! Yes, it has gross humidity...but living in college station for four years got me ready for it! haha I love it here...maybe I'm a little bias since the love of my life brought me here, but I really love our home and where it's located. Right off the highway, you can get anywhere easily (especially the Galleria that's 5 minutes away :) ) and the church we're looking at that meets at a YMCA is less than 10 min away. pretty perfect.

One thing I've been trying to get better at lately is cooking! If you have any awesome recipes, I'm always looking for a new one :) One recipe I tried on Monday was Flatbread tacos, mmmm so good! I'll have to put a few of the successful meals I tried on here for anyone to use :) This is one of my top 5 favorite things of being a wife for sure!

Our apartment is for the most part set up, God has been so faithful in providing, and Jared and I couldn't be more thankful :)
Guess that's it for the life update as of now! Have a great rest of the week!